Thibault is a research engineer working on distributed systems. He is focused on making emerging technologies interoperable with current web standards. At Cloudflare, he works on IPFS, Ethereum, and alternatives to CAPTCHA systems.
Research Areas
Distributed Systems, Application Privacy
2022Let The Right One In: Attestation as a Usable CAPTCHA Alternative
Eighteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2022), Boston, MA. 2022.
Tara Whalen,
Thibault Meunier,
Mrudula Kodali,
Alex Davidson,
Marwan Fayed,
Armando Faz-Hernandez,
Watson Ladd,
Deepak Maram,
Nick Sullivan,
Benedikt Christoph Wolters,
Maxime Guerreiro,
Andrew Galloni
Blog posts
- Harnessing chaos in Cloudflare offices
- Tirer parti du chaos dans les bureaux Cloudflare
- Das Chaos in den Cloudflare-Büros nutzen
- Cómo sacamos partido al caos en las oficinas de Cloudflare
- Cloudflareのオフィスにおけるカオスの活用
- Cloudflare 사무실의 혼란 이용하기
- 治理 Cloudflare 办公室里的混乱情况
- 控制並利用 Cloudflare 辦公室的混亂局面
- Privacy Pass: upgrading to the latest protocol version
- Privacy Pass:升级到最新协议版本
- Privacy Pass:升級到最新通訊協定版本
- Serving Cloudflare Pages sites to the IPFS network
- Gaining visibility in IPFS systems
- Web3 — A vision for a decentralized web
- Web3 — 탈중앙화 웹을 향한 비전
- Web3 — 分散式網路的願景
- Web3—Web分散化の構想
- Web3 — 去中心化 web 的愿景
- How Cloudflare provides tools to help keep IPFS users safe
- Humanity wastes about 500 years per day on CAPTCHAs. It’s time to end this madness
- Die Menschheit verschwendet etwa 500 Jahre pro Tag für CAPTCHAs. Dieser Wahnsinn muss ein Ende haben
- Les CAPTCHA font perdre chaque jour près de 500 ans à l'ensemble de l'humanité : il est temps de mettre un terme à cette folie
- 人類はCAPTCHAで毎日約500年をムダにしている。この狂気から脱却する時が来た
- 人类每天在 CAPTCHA 上浪费将近 500 年时间,是时候结束这种蠢事了
- A Name Resolver for the Distributed Web