Marwan is a technical lead and manager at Cloudflare Research, and Visiting Professor at the University of St Andrews, UK.
Before joining Cloudflare, Marwan was a member of faculty at the University of St Andrews, where he was also the Director of Post-graduate Studies, and recipient of multiple teaching and supervisorial honours. In 2011, Marwan co-founded HUBS c.i.c., a community cooperative backhaul ISP honoured at national and European levels for technical innovation and advocacy, and that continues to operate today. He previously held the appointment of ‘Theme Leader’ (2014-2016) for networking research at SICSA, a computer science alliance among Scottish universities. His current research interests lie in secure, private, and reliable network protocols, and measurement in next generation edge networks.
He is an author on numerous peer-review publications, the recipient of an IEEE best paper award, and a Senior Member of both the IEEE and the ACM.
Research Areas
Internet Measurement, Network Security, Network Architecture and Systems
2024Topaz: Declarative and Verifiable Authoritative DNS at CDN-Scale
2023Evaluating practical QUIC website fingerprinting defenses for the masses
2023Global, Passive Detection of Connection Tampering
2022This is not the padding you are looking for! On the ineffectiveness of QUIC PADDING against website fingerprinting
2022Respect the ORIGIN! A Best-case Evaluation of Connection Coalescing
2022Let The Right One In: Attestation as a Usable CAPTCHA Alternative
2021The Ties that un-Bind: Decoupling IP from web services and sockets for robust addressing agility at CDN-scale
2021Quality of Experience in ICN: Keep Your Low-Bitrate Close and High-Bitrate Closer
2021Oblivious DNS over HTTPS (ODoH): A Practical Privacy Enhancement to DNS
Blog posts
- The unintended consequences of blocking IP addresses
- As consequências não intencionais do bloqueio de endereços de IP
- Las consecuencias imprevistas del bloqueo de direcciones IP
- 阻止 IP 地址的非预期后果
- Die unbeabsichtigten Folgen der Sperrung von IP-Adressen
- Непреднамеренные последствия блокировки IP-адресов
- IPアドレスのブロックがもたらす意図しない結果
- IP 주소 차단으로 인한 의도하지 않은 결과
- 封鎖 IP 位址的非預期後果
- IP adreslerini engellemenin istenmeyen sonuçları
- Le conseguenze indesiderate del blocco degli indirizzi IP
- Les conséquences inattendues du blocage d'adresses IP
- العواقب غير المقصودة لحظر عناوين بروتوكولات الإنترنت
- ההשלכות הבלתי מכוונות של חסימת כתובות IP
- “Look, Ma, no probes!” — Characterizing CDNs’ latencies with passive measurement
- 解开 IP 的窄腰:名称和 web 服务的寻址敏捷性
- Das enge Korsett des IP lösen: agile Adressierung für Namen und Webdienste
- IP의 병목 현상 해결: 이름 및 웹 서비스에 대한 민첩한 주소 지정
- Unbuckling the narrow waist of IP: Addressing Agility for Names and Web Services
- Vamos tirar o IP da "camisa de força": Agilidade de Endereçamento para nomes e web services
- IPの「細いウエスト」を緩める:ネームサービスとWebサービスのためのAddressing Agility
- 為 IP 位址鬆綁:名稱和 Web 服務的定址靈活度
- Desserrer le corset de l'adresse IP : agilité en matière d'adressage pour les services d'attribution de noms et web
- Resolvemos la arquitectura "narrow waist" de las direcciones IP con Addressing Agility, una solución para nombres y servicios web
- Announcing Project Pangea: Helping Underserved Communities Expand Access to the Internet For Free
- Project Pangea:Cloudflare、劣悪なインターネット環境のコミュニティがインターネットアクセスを無料で拡大できるよう支援
- Wir präsentieren Projekt „Pangea“: Kostenlose Unterstützung wirtschaftlich benachteiligter Kommunen beim Ausbau des Internetzugangs
- Annonce du projet Pangea : permettre aux collectivités mal desservies d'accéder à Internet gratuitement