We further Cloudflare's mission to help build a better Internet by melding research with implementation Latest Research Updates → subscribe to our quarterly newsletter Open-sourcing OpenPubkey SSH (OPKSSH): integrating single sign-on with SSH OPKSSH (OpenPubkey SSH) is now open-sourced as part of the OpenPubkey project. Prepping for post-quantum: a beginner’s guide to lattice cryptography This post is a beginner's guide to lattices, the math at the heart of the transition to post-quantum (PQ) cryptography. It explains how to do lattice-based encryption and authentication from scratch. HTTPS-only for Cloudflare APIs: shutting the door on cleartext traffic We are closing the cleartext HTTP ports entirely for Cloudflare API traffic. This prevents the risk of clients unintentionally leaking their secret API keys in cleartext during the initial request.